The Conway Public Library will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day

Ham Community Room

Get Wet! Water Testing

The Green Mountain Conservation Group presents, the Groundwater Education through Water Evaluation and Testing (GET WET!) program.   Participants can bring in a sample of their home well water and test it for six parameters, including: chloride, conductivity, hardness, nitrates/nitrites, pH, and iron. Learn about common contaminants, health concerns and where to go for more information. Suitable for families and children must be supervised by an adult caregiver. Great science lesson for kids! For more information call 447-5552.

The Devil We Know

Join us for a free screening of this gripping 2018 documentary that unravels one of the biggest environmental scandals of our time, detailing the alleged decades-long cover-up of the potential harm caused by chemicals used to make popular Teflon products. Environmental scientist and activist Mindi Messmer will be on hand to introduce the film.

Make and Take....the Toxic Out of Cleaning

It’s easy to assume that anything you buy at a store must be safe, but in reality, that’s not the case. The most that you will probably find on a toxic cleaning product is a warning label accompanied by a poison-control hotline number to call if the product is accidently ingested.

Most of us grew up with the understanding that what we purchased at the store would be safe and healthy for us to bring into our homes. In reality,the cleaning products we expose to ourselves and our loved ones are full of chemicals and toxins that are making us sick.

Grassroots Fund Pop-up Office

The Grassroots Fund is announcing a new piece of programming we are excited to be trying out in 2019! In our efforts to learn, grow, and better support grassroots community organizers, we are piloting Pop-Up offices. Grassroots Fund staff will spend a few days setting up office outside or our regular Newmarket (NH) and Burlington (VT) locations to have direct, face-to-face meetings with grassroots organizers and partners.


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