The Conway Public Library will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day

Borrowing Materials

Item Loan Periods

21 days for regular fiction and non-fiction books, music CDs, magazines, ILLs
7 days for DVDs, and items such as the telescope, and chromebooks


In order to avoid overdue notices, be sure to note the due date of materials you borrow on the corresponding due date slip.



Overdue Materials/Fines

Although the Conway Public Library does not charge fines, we do request that materials be returned by their due date.  If you are tardy returning materials and feel guilty, you are invited to donate to our "Guilt Alleviation" jar which is kept at the Check Out Desk.



Interlibrary Loans (ILL)

Looking for something we don't own?  If you are a Conway Public Library cardholder in good standing, we will try to find materials for you from other libraries in New Hampshire and out of State.  For more information, please visit our Interlibrary Loan page.



Online Account & Database Access

You may access your library account from home via the Internet.  You will need your library card number as well as your pin number.  Pin numbers are created in person when registering for a library card.  If you need to change your pin number, please ask for assistance at the Check Out Desk.  

You also may access certain databases, including downloadable books, from home via our website using your library card.  For more information about our databases, please click here.


Materials checked out will be automatically renewed once, so long as the item has not been requested by another patron.  Since each library is guided by its own rules, interlibrary loan materials may or may not be renewed.  Please call us at 603-447-5552 if you wish to renew materials or stop by the Library to renew them at the Check Out Desk.

Returning Materials

Materials may be returned to the book drop located at the Check Out Desk inside the Library during regular operating hours.  The Library also has an outside book drop (it's green and looks a bit like a trash can!) on the left as you approach the steps to the entrance of the building from the parking lot.  


Please note: Due to the location of the book drop, patrons must park their vehicles and walk to it.