Book Discussion Group
The Conway Public Library Book Discussion Group meets on the 3rd Monday of each month from 10:15-11:30am.
The Conway Public Library will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day
The Conway Public Library Book Discussion Group meets on the 3rd Monday of each month from 10:15-11:30am.
Kristen McDermott, of Good Earth Gardening, LLC will share her knowledge and talents as she leads a talk about planting gorgeous flower containers and beds, adding vibrant and flourishing color and life to your home or business.
In early January 2019, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services launched a crowdsouring effort to map all of New Hampshire's stone walls using LiDAR* images. Learn how to use the New Hampshire Stone Wall Mapper to identify and mark stone walls with nothing more than a web browser.
Financial Education brought to you by Christine Gillette and Tyler Cyr of TD Bank.
Natural Communities of New Hampshire
Group Meeting
April Meeting
Christine and Tyler of TD Bank will introduce first time home buyers to what is involved with shopping for a home, chasing a lender, how a mortgage works, and more.
In early January 2019, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services launched a crowdsourcing effort to map all of New Hampshire's stone walls using LiDAR* images. Learn how to use the New Hampshire Stone Wall Mapper to identify and mark stone walls with nothing more than a web browser.