The Conway Public Library will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day

Bunny Wedding

In March of 2022 the Conway Area Humane Society brought us Oreo the bunny, in hopes of bringing joy to the public while making it known that Oreo was available for adoption. Our library assistant director, Jeff Beavers was already a beloved human companion to a cat and bunny, and when he met Oreo he knew that he could potentially provide the perfect home for our furry, bouncy friend. The only question remained; would Oreo and his existing pet bunny (named Bunny) get along? Jeff brought Bunny to the library for an introduction, and in no time it became clear that the two could be a perfect pair. Both bunnies went home with Jeff for an overnight and a final test. The bunnies snuggled, they played, they nuzzled... they could not be seperated! You know what they say, "Every bunny needs some bunny to love."

Oreo and Bunny want to make their union official. Please join us in celebrating the marriage of Bunny and Oreo in the library park. There will be a wedding ceremony officiated by a Justice of the Peace and Humane Society board member, and a lovely reception to follow. Please feel free to bring furry guests that are harnessed or secured in a carrier, but we do ask that you leave your dogs at home. There will be some Guinea pig guests available for meet and greet who will be visiting from the Humane Society as well.

Room Reservation: 
Tuesday, July 12, 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Event Category: 
Event Location: 
Name of Organization: