The Conway Public Library will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day


Get Wet! Water Testing

The Green Mountain Conservation Group presents, the Groundwater Education through Water Evaluation and Testing (GET WET!) program.   Participants can bring in a sample of their home well water and test it for six parameters, including: chloride, conductivity, hardness, nitrates/nitrites, pH, and iron. Learn about common contaminants, health concerns and where to go for more information. Suitable for families and children must be supervised by an adult caregiver. Great science lesson for kids! For more information call 447-5552.

Creatures of the Night

How do wild animals find food in the dark or escape predators? You don't have to stay up late to get a close look at elusive nocturnal cratures. Meet three live creatures of the night with a Squam Lake Natural Science Center naturalist to learn surprising dertails of their adaptations, which make them well-suited for night life.


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