Fall Ball
Hear ye! Hear ye! Dress up in your finest to celebrate the fall equinox and accept Prince Charming's invitation to his palace. Enjoy music, dancing, a special story telling guest, and fine (kid-friendly) foods.
The Conway Public Library will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day
Hear ye! Hear ye! Dress up in your finest to celebrate the fall equinox and accept Prince Charming's invitation to his palace. Enjoy music, dancing, a special story telling guest, and fine (kid-friendly) foods.
Nike Outlet in North Conway (Settler's Green), the Conway Public Library, and Norther Human Services presents an active morning with plenty of fun! Children ages 0-10 are invited to race through a specially designed obstacle course, and stomp a rocket into the air at the end! Refreshments will be served. FREE!
Learn the basics of using a computer, browsing the Internet, managing your e-mail, cloud storage, and more!
A new topic will be introduced on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday's of each month.
The 2nd and 4th Tuesday's will be used for review of previous topics and as an open help and troubleshooting forum.
Kids and teens are welcome to drop-in after school and learn how to make something new each week!
Enjoy a healthy snack or cooking activity provided by Let's Go and Maine Health.
Gather your babies and their siblings for this sweet little playgroup in the Ham Room of the library (air conditioned). We will provide baby-friendly, stimulating gross and fine motor activities, while giving everybody an opportunity to get out of the house and meet others.
For more information call 447-5552.
Welcome and open to the public effort to call folks in the Conway area and talk about why Bernie Sanders is the right candidate for the democratic nomination.
Welcome and open to the public effort to call folks in the Conway area and talk about why Bernie Sanders is the right candidate for the democratic nomination.
Chidren's activities in library park and community room, in partnership with the White Mountain Cmmunity Health Center and Children Unlimited. FREE!
Board Meeting
Saco River Medical Group has partnered with GarityAdvantage to provide seniors across New Hampshire with knowledgeable and unbiased Medicare information resources. Join us for this interactive session designed to teach you about the Medicare plan options and extra benefits available to you. Whether you are turning 65, leaving your group plan, need extra help or simply want to be sure your current plan is the best plan for your circumstances, this meeting will help you take the guesswork out of Medicare.