
Halloween/Dress Up Costume Swap

Costumes are great for themed events or to enhance imagination and play all year long. Bring your outgrown or no longer used costumes and choose others to keep! Costumes will only be accepted if they are clean and in good condition, and may be brought in any day leading up to the event. Available following story time and throughout the day until 4 PM.  Please see Tessa or Kate in the children's room for more information.

An Evening with David McPhail, Award Winning Children's Book Writer/Illustrator

Can you believe it? David McPhail is coming to Conway! He will talk about his life and work as well as give a drawing demonstration, all in celebration of his new book, Truffle, which will be available for purchase and signing, with help from White Birch Books in North Conway. Don't miss this rare opportunity to meet a very accomplished children's book creator up close and personal! http://davidmcphailillustrations.com/index.html

Warhammer Alliance

Drop-in each month to collect, build, paint, play, read, and meet others interested in Warhammer!

Warhammer is more than a game – it’s a hobby, and it’s got something for every person.

Whether they like assembling stunning collections, building intricate models or showing off their creativity through painting, it’s all here!

Countless worlds and realms await to be conquered in tactical gameplay or discovered in the chapters of gripping novels.


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