
Birth Circle

Join midwives Gayle Eckey and Danielle Mason for an evening of sharing and listening to stories from your community.
Tea and conversation about anything related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum or parenting.

Game Club

This event is for adults with intellectual disabilities to get together and play board games, card games and/or work on jigsaw puzzles, etc. Each participant must be accompanied by a support person, and may bring lunch if they choose.

Game Club

This event is for adults with intellectual disabilities to get together and play board games, card games and/or work on jigsaw puzzles, etc. Each participant must be accompanied by a support person, and may bring lunch if they choose.

Game Club

This event is for adults with intellectual disabilities to get together and play board games, card games and/or work on jigsaw puzzles, etc. Each participant must be accompanied by a support person, and may bring lunch if they choose.

Spring Mushroom Foraging & IDing

As the Spring dawns upon us so do the mushrooms! This period of time is known as the season of new beginnings and growth, where all kinds of flowers, herbs, and mushrooms bloom and sprout. Just in time for the Spring Foraging Season, Eric Milligan an avid mushroom forager will share his knowledge about the wild mushrooms of the area.


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